Saturday, June 27, 2015

'There are no limits to being SUBLIME'

Being and becoming your best self, the exuberant individual filled with positive vibes, characterized by a lively energy and excitement, is everyone's ultimate goal; but why can't this be our daily motivation?
When you are determined to excel the best in you, you not only come to a moment of eureka where you realize your self worth, but also how much of you is worth the appreciation by others.
In a country where we care more about our social acceptance and other's opinion about ourselves, we tend to forget who we are and we develop upon what other's say we are capable of being.
If only we could step out of that shell and realize how far we can go beyond the social paradigms, relationships would be more functional and therefore, both men and woman would demand from each other self-appreciation instead of degradation for each other's differences.

Think about it, if only we could focus on each other's good and positive characteristics, would we constantly pick up on each other's behaviors and differences? Would you actually care when someone tries to bring you down because you know who you are and this is simply YOU?
In a world ruled by social status and man stated social-structures those who are different, will never fit in, but those who think differently will always make a difference. Therefore, if you where not born to fit in do me a favor and stand out!
Be different, be yourself, wear your skin proud and standing ovation.  
Make every minute worth it, say what you need to say, learn from your experiences, learn your lessons, share your wisdom and thank all those who did good and wrong and realize that everything in this journey will always happen for a reason.
Dedicated to all my friends and family, saying two words 'thank you' is not enough.
To each one of you because you have taught me, loved me and understood me.

Monday, June 22, 2015

'A quarter of a life'

A quarter of a life, as the days pass by, flashbacks cross my mind like small fragments of a puzzle piece; pieces that perfectly match together creating this one prefect moment. Looking back, I cannot help but be grateful for every moment, every person and every circumstance that lead to who I am and where I am today.
Growing, learning and emancipating with determination and hunger for more to be and to become. These are the moments when I look back and say everything has a reason; a purpose of existence suddenly has a sweet taste in my mouth, every experience, every mistake, every lesson learned becomes a whole on itself.

A new era, a time of change, a year that marks a life transformation, the emancipation from girl to woman, the official recognition of independence, feminism and freedom. This is the time where every decision defines who I will be and become. Therefore, I seek opportunity with hunger for the future to foresee. 'Determination becomes my daily motivation'.
I want to thank every friend, every lover, every person who taught me a lesson, who was there when needed; for the love, the support and the shoulders to cry and party on. Each one of you has made a significant difference and without you nothing would be the same, as it is now in this perfect moment.
Thank you for 25 years of unforgettable memories, laughter, tears of joy and happiness, each and everyone of you has fed my hunger for life and excitement for more.

'Gracias por todo' with all my ❤️, xoxo